It’s never too late to reinvent yourself.

These words speak so much truth. As I’ve gotten older I’ve definitely started to accept myself more.
Things I would have put off doing for fear of what others might think I have done & I’ve had so much fun doing them too.

At 34 learning to love myself & embracing my flaws has been something I’ve struggled with. Some days my body just won’t do what I need it to do & unfortunately this is just one of many things I’ve had to come to terms with.

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to go through, but it’s also made me realise just how strong of a person I really am. It’s allowed me to put things into perspective & see what’s really counts.

It’s meant that I’ve had to adapt how I go about my daily life & I’m learning just how important self care can be.

I’m not going to lie to you, some days are really tough & there are times where I sit & cry mourning the loss of who I once was & all the things I’m no longer able to do. Multiple medications, frequent Dr’s visits & many hospital appointments aren’t something that I pictured when planning out my future when I turned 30.

I used to put so much pressure on myself to keep to my old ways of doing things & to push through the pain that I never realised how much damage I was doing. I lost sight of what my body needed & I neglected myself to the point of reaching burnout.

If you’ve ever experienced this for yourself you’ll know exactly what I mean. This is how I described it to a friend recently, “Physically I’m struggling & mentally I’m walking a tightrope with no safety net.” It’s a horrible feeling & one that is hard to shake off.

I am learning though. I’ve found that acceptance & the willingness to change makes a huge difference. So I’m looking at this as an opportunity to become the best version of me that I can be. Instead of letting this chronic illness hold me back it’s giving me the chance to learn more about myself.

It really is never too late to reinvent yourself & become who you’ve always wanted to be.

If life has taught me anything, it’s that you never really know what is around the corner & that you shouldn’t let the actions of the past define your future.

Living in the present is what’s truly important & you need to embrace each day to its fullest as time is precious.

Life is precious x